Time Etc Review

In-Depth Time Etc Review: Is It Worth Your Investment?

Time Etc has established itself as a leading provider of virtual assistant services, catering to a wide range of businesses since its founding in 2007. With a mission to enhance productivity and streamline operations, Time Etc boasts a team of skilled assistants across the United States.

Serving over 22,000 companies, both large and small, they specialize in freeing entrepreneurs to focus on core creative endeavors and business growth.

Renowned for their commitment to efficiency and client satisfaction, Time Etc offers prospective users a chance to experience their services with a free trial. That emphasizes flexibility and quality without the need for a credit card.

Read the Time Etc review to learn more about how it can help you alter your business operations.

Time Etc Pros and Cons


  • Time Etc is well-regarded with a strong track record.
  • Offers comprehensive training to virtual assistants.
  • Allows for flexible work hours and remote work from home.
  • Consistency with the same assistant builds familiarity.
  • All assistants are based in the US, ensuring no language barriers or time zone issues.
  • Offers three pricing tiers to suit different business needs and budgets.
  • Provides a refund option within 30 days if unsatisfied with services.


  • Might not be cost-effective for businesses on tight budgets.
  • Operates only Monday to Friday, lacking weekend support.
  • Lack of specialized assistance for specific industries or tasks.
  • Few applicants are accepted, potentially limiting opportunities.
  • Lengthy process for becoming a virtual assistant with Time Etc.

What Are Time Etc?

What Are Time etc

Time Etc is a premier virtual assistant service founded in 2007 by entrepreneur Barnaby Lashbrooke. It connects over 22,000 clients with experienced US-based virtual assistants, offering support in administrative tasks, marketing, customer service, and more.

Each client is paired with a dedicated assistant selected through a rigorous process, ensuring personalized service and expertise. Time Etc stands out for its flexible service options, including a 100% money-back guarantee.

Same-day task completion, and no setup fees, making it a top choice for entrepreneurs seeking efficient, reliable virtual assistance.

Time Etc Pricing:

Time etc Pricing
Ten hours
$380 /month That’s $38 per hour
Twenty hours
$740 /month That’s $37 per hour
Forty hours
$1440 /month That’s $36 per hour
Sixty hours
$2100 /month That’s $35 per hour
Dedicated U.S. assistantDedicated U.S. assistantDedicated U.S. assistantDedicated U.S. assistant
Expertly matched to youExpertly matched to youExpertly matched to youExpertly matched to you
Add extra assistants (free)Add extra assistants (free)Add extra assistants (free)Add extra assistants (free)
Share with your team (free)Share with your team (free)Share with your team (free)Share with your team (free)
Complete satisfaction guaranteeComplete satisfaction guaranteeComplete satisfaction guaranteeComplete satisfaction guarantee
Switch plans or cancel any timeUnused hours rolloverUnused hours rolloverUnused hours rollover
Dedicated U.S. assistantSwitch plans or cancel any timeSwitch plans or cancel any timeSwitch plans or cancel any time

Time Etc Features:

Time Etc is a virtual assistant service designed to help businesses and individuals with a variety of tasks. 10 of the key features of Time Etc include:

  1. Dedicated Virtual Assistants: Clients are matched with dedicated virtual assistants who get to know their specific needs and preferences.
  2. Experienced Professionals: The assistants are experienced professionals with backgrounds in various fields, ensuring high-quality support.
  3. Wide Range of Services:
    • Administrative tasks (e.g., email management, scheduling, data entry)
    • Personal tasks (e.g., travel arrangements, event planning)
    • Marketing support (e.g., social media management, content creation)
    • Sales support (e.g., lead generation, CRM management)
    • Bookkeeping and finance assistance
    • Customer service support
  4. Flexible Plans: Time Etc offers flexible plans that can be tailored to the specific needs of the client, including options for different levels of support and hours.
  5. Easy Communication: Clients can communicate with their assistants through various channels, such as email, phone, or a dedicated platform.
  6. Quality Assurance: Time Etc has a rigorous vetting process for their assistants and provides ongoing training and support to ensure high standards are maintained.
  7. Scalability: The service can scale up or down based on the client’s needs, making it suitable for both small businesses and larger enterprises.
  8. No Long-term Commitment: Clients can use the service on a month-to-month basis without the need for long-term contracts.
  9. Task Management Tools: Time Etc provides tools to help clients manage and track tasks, ensuring transparency and efficiency.
  10. US and UK-Based Assistants: The service primarily offers assistants based in the US and the UK, catering to clients in those regions.

Time Etc Customer Support:

Time etc Customer Support

Time Etc, a virtual assistant service, is known for its exceptional customer support. Their team is highly responsive and committed to addressing client needs promptly and effectively.

Available via phone, email, and chat, Time Etc’s customer support ensures seamless communication and swift resolution of any issues.

They prioritize understanding the unique requirements of each client, providing personalized assistance that goes beyond standard support.

This dedication to customer satisfaction is reflected in their proactive approach, regularly checking in with clients to ensure their services are meeting expectations.

Time Etc also offers entire onboarding support, making it easy for new clients to integrate their virtual assistant services into their workflows. The combination of their knowledgeable support team and user-friendly resources.

Guides and FAQs, help clients maximize the benefits of their virtual assistants, ultimately enhancing their productivity and efficiency.

What People Say About Time Etc?

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How Time Etc Works?

Time Etc is a prominent US-based virtual assistant service provider, offering a complete solution for businesses and individuals who need help managing their tasks. This service connects clients with highly skilled virtual assistants who work remotely from their home offices.

Here’s a detailed look at how Time Etc operates and what makes it an excellent choice for your virtual assistant needs.

Signing Up and Consultation

The process begins when you sign up for Time Etc. The company ensures a smooth onboarding process by offering a consultation to understand your specific needs. During this consultation, an expert from Time Etc will discuss your requirements.

The nature of tasks you need assistance with, and any particular skills or experience you are looking for in a virtual assistant. This step is crucial as it helps the company match you with an assistant who can best meet your needs.

Matching with a Dedicated Assistant

Based on the information gathered during the consultation, Time Etc matches you with a dedicated virtual assistant. These assistants are highly experienced professionals based in the United States and come from various backgrounds.

Time Etc provides trained assistants who can adapt to many industries and business kinds, whether you work in real estate, marketing, finance, law, or another field.

Staying in Touch

Once matched, staying in touch with your virtual assistant is easy and flexible. You can communicate via email, phone, or Skype, depending on what works best for you.

This flexibility ensures that you can maintain a smooth workflow and keep in constant touch with your assistant, no matter where you are.

Range of Services

Time Etc’s virtual assistants can handle a broad spectrum of tasks, which can significantly lighten your workload and help you focus on more critical aspects of your business. Here are some of the key services they offer:

  • Managing Emails: Your assistant can manage your inbox, filter important messages, and respond to routine emails, ensuring you don’t miss out on any crucial communication.
  • Organizing Your Calendar: They can schedule appointments, set reminders, and keep your calendar organized, so you always know what’s coming up next.
  • Making Travel Arrangements: From booking flights and hotels to arranging transportation, your assistant can handle all your travel needs.
  • Conducting Research: Need information on a specific topic or market trends? Your assistant can conduct thorough research and provide you with detailed reports.
  • Handling Social Media: Managing your social media accounts, creating content, and engaging with your audience are tasks your assistant can efficiently take care of.
  • Data Entry: They can handle anything from database updates to data entry into your systems with accuracy and speed.
  • Managing Finances: Basic bookkeeping, invoicing, and expense tracking are also within their capabilities.
  • Providing Customer Support: Your assistant can interact with customers, handle queries, and provide support, ensuring high customer satisfaction.

Training and Professionalism

All virtual assistants at Time Etc undergo rigorous training to ensure they are well-versed in the latest tools, technologies, and best practices.

This training is tailored to help them adapt to various industries and business types, providing you with a versatile and knowledgeable assistant. Time Etc follows strict guidelines and standards to ensure the highest quality of service.

Ongoing Support and Flexibility

One of the significant advantages of using Time Etc is the ongoing support and flexibility it offers. You can easily scale up or down your assistant’s hours based on your workload, ensuring you only pay for the time you need.

Additionally, if your requirements change or if you need different skills, Time Etc can help you find another assistant who better fits your new needs.

How Much Does Time Etc Pay?

Time Etc pays its virtual assistants based on their experience, skills, and the nature of the tasks they handle. Generally, the pay rate ranges from $13 to $17 per hour. More experienced virtual assistants with specialized skills might earn towards the higher end of this range. If you’re interested in working with Time Etc, it might be useful to check their website or contact them directly for the most current information on pay rates.

10 Time Etc Alternatives:

Finding alternatives to Time Etc depends on what specific features and qualities you’re seeking in a virtual assistant service. These 10 alternatives that offer varying strengths and capabilities similar to Time Etc:

  1. Fancy Hands: Fancy Hands offers a subscription-based service where you can delegate various tasks to US-based assistants. It’s ideal for individuals and small businesses needing help with administrative tasks, research, scheduling, and more. Tasks are handled on a per-task basis, providing flexibility in usage.
  2. Virtual Staff Finder: This service connects businesses with virtual assistants primarily based in the Philippines. Virtual Staff Finder focuses on matching businesses with dedicated virtual assistants for long-term arrangements, making it suitable for ongoing support needs.
  3. Upwork: As one of the largest freelancing platforms, Upwork allows you to hire virtual assistants globally. You can find assistants with a wide range of skills and expertise, from administrative tasks to specialized projects. Upwork offers flexibility in hiring models, including hourly rates and fixed-price contracts.
  4. Freelancer.com: Similar to Upwork, Freelancer.com provides a platform for hiring freelancers, including virtual assistants. It’s suitable for finding short-term assistance or ongoing support, with options to post projects or hire freelancers directly based on their profiles and proposals.
  5. TaskBullet: TaskBullet specializes in providing virtual assistants trained in administrative tasks, customer support, and more. They offer flexible pricing plans based on the number of hours or tasks required, making it suitable for businesses of various sizes looking for affordable virtual assistant services.
  6. Belay: Formerly known as EA Help, Belay focuses on providing virtual assistants for executives, entrepreneurs, and businesses. They offer personalized matching with assistants based on specific needs and preferences, emphasizing long-term partnerships and dedicated support.
  7. MyOutDesk: MyOutDesk specializes in real estate virtual assistants but also offers services across various industries. They focus on tasks that drive growth and productivity, providing skilled virtual assistants who can handle administrative, marketing, and operational tasks.
  8. 24/7 Virtual Assistant: This service offers a complete range of virtual assistant services, including administrative support, customer service, digital marketing, and more. They cater to both short-term projects and ongoing support needs, with flexible pricing plans based on the level of assistance required.
  9. TimeSvr: TimeSvr provides virtual assistant services similar to Time Etc, focusing on tasks such as research, scheduling, and administrative support. They offer flexible plans based on the number of tasks or hours required, catering to individuals and businesses seeking reliable virtual assistant support.
  10. Worldwide101: Worldwide101 offers executive-level virtual assistant services aimed at handling complex tasks for executives and entrepreneurs. They provide highly skilled assistants capable of managing diverse responsibilities, from project management to customer relations.

Final Talks: Time Etc Review

Time Etc stands out as a reputable and professional virtual assistant service, ideal for businesses seeking reliable remote support. Their high standards and extensive experience contribute to their excellent reputation.

While the pay for virtual assistants is around $13 per hour, which might not appeal to everyone, it does offer the flexibility of working from home.

Businesses can benefit from dedicated assistants and customizable packages, though those with tight budgets or highly specialized needs should consider exploring other options.

Overall, Time Etc’s service quality and client satisfaction make it a viable choice for many businesses looking to simplify their operations with virtual assistance.

Time Etc Free Trial

Time etc Free Trial

Time Etc offers a free trial to give potential clients a chance to experience their virtual assistant services without any commitment. During this trial, users can access a dedicated assistant to handle tasks like scheduling, email management, research, and more. This allows businesses and individuals to evaluate the quality and efficiency of the service before deciding to subscribe to a plan that best suits their needs.


Is Time Etc. worth it?

Time Etc. is worth it if you need professional virtual assistant services. Their team offers high-quality support, handling tasks efficiently. This can save you time and reduce stress, letting you focus on more important work. With positive reviews and flexible plans, many find Time Etc. a valuable investment.

Is Time Etc legit?

Time Etc is legit. It is a reputable virtual assistant service with positive reviews. Many businesses and individuals trust Time Etc for their virtual assistance needs due to its professional and reliable support. Their assistants are experienced, and the company has been in business for many years, ensuring quality service.

What does Time Etc do?

Time Etc provides virtual assistant services. They help with administrative tasks like scheduling, email management, and research, allowing clients to focus on more important work. Their team of skilled virtual assistants works remotely to save time and boost productivity for businesses and busy professionals.

Is virtual assistant a hard job?

Being a virtual assistant isn’t necessarily hard. It involves managing tasks remotely, which can be challenging but not overwhelming. Success relies on organization, communication, and tech skills. With dedication, anyone can excel in this role, handling scheduling, emails, and more efficiently.

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